
The Monitor Horse Barn Revealed
By Nikki Alvin-Smith

The Monitor Horse Barn Revealed

In the world of modular horse barn construction the monitor design horse barn certainly lends itself to easy transport and quick on site build. A 3D jigsaw of 3 main parts, the 3 boxes are relatively straightforward to assemble on site.
Jill Siragusa, Veteran Chief Marketing Officer at the leading modular barn building company Horizon Structures LLC, sat down with Helena Harris at Stall and Stable and shared her wealth of experience working with clients and this popular style of horse barn.
Listen in to the podcast here

The Monitor Horse Barn Revealed  
Once the fun process of designing the details of your dream monitor horse barn is complete, there are things to do to prepare for the big day.
Site selection is a major decision and not one to be taken lightly. Issues with flooding and drainage, wind and snow, access etc. can all be well managed in advance of the build to ensure that daily life at the barn is a pleasure year around.
But no-one knows what they don’t know. Enjoy these tips on site selection for the new barn and groundwork that needs to be completed before the exciting delivery day.
What To Expect On The Big Day
The Monitor Horse Barn RevealedIt is essential to realize that when a barn arrives on site in 3 parts there is some assembly required. The manufacturer’s experienced team will take care of the set up of the structure and this service should be noted as included in the price in the barn purchase contract.
Usually the crew responsible for assembly will arrive 2-5 days after the building has arrived on site. The company will provide a crane to lift the modular components into position and this will be arranged and coordinated by the manufacturer’s construction crew.




As each box is carefully placed, the crew will bolt/nail and fix the parts together. If the plan calls for an overhang this will then be constructed.
Aside from ensuring that wide and tall enough access for the large equipment has been orchestrated in advance of the trucks arriving, and the site preparation is complete, there is little for the purchaser to do on these days but sit back and watch the action unfold.
Don’t Panic
It is important to realize that when the 3 component parts of the building arrive they will not be cased and trimmed out. This part of the process is undertaken after the major construction is completed.
For this reason stains/painted surfaces may not run all the way to the edge of a wall and siding boards may not be exact to the very edge of a corner wall. All these areas will be covered with trim when the building is complete. Roofing may not be done and ridge vents or other items may be yet be added.
Entrance doors and certain other items such as glass windows may be installed after the building is in place. All doors and windows will be checked by the set up crew to ensure they glide freely open and closed and adjustments made as necessary.
Small filler pieces of wood within certain areas of the structure required as back boards/nailers may be made of plywood or other material than grade 1 lumber. These areas will be covered when finishing details are completed. These small spaces are not structural and are there simply to provide a ‘filler’ for nailing.
Paint and stain touch ups may be completed on site, even if the major part of the process has been completed at the factory.
Ultimate Satisfaction
When you work with an established company that has a stellar reputation for producing top quality horse barns your ultimate satisfaction with the product is their goal and is usually achieved without fuss.  

Before selecting the company you work with on your new horse barn project always check out the warranty they offer for both the work/construction completed and materials used. Some of these warranties may be applicable directly with the manufacturer and may require registration of the product.
While the work crew is present on site it is a good idea to do a walk through of the structure and make sure that you are happy with the end result and address any issues you see there and then so they can be remedied immediately.
Realize, that over time the building may settle (in fact, it is highly likely to happen with any structure due to ground movement beneath and is normal) and minor adjustments may need to be made to the structure, e.g. a door may stick doing freeze and thaw weather especially if the site was not properly compacted or the area was backfilled.
These slight inconveniences are usually easily remedied by the barn owner, but if directions are needed most construction companies are happy to help with some salient advice.
Don’t Worry Be Happy
Remember that most companies truly want their customers to be happy with the craftsmanship and products they sell.
If issues arise during the construction process communicate concerns to the manufacturer in a timely and polite manner. Construction and delivery of a structure as large as a horse barn is no small task and it is possible for things to go awry, though usually this is not the case.
Due diligence in the original selection of the company to collaborate with on the project will help ensure a good result with a wonderful new barn that will give good service for a lifetime and beyond.
Don’t forget a thank-you for that hard work is always appreciated. A review online and emailing a photo or two of your horses happily enjoying the new barn is a great way to show your gratitude.
And who knows, you may love your first barn so much you go back for a few run-in sheds or another structure. If you do, don’t forget to ask about repeat customer discounts.

The Monitor Horse Barn Revealed